contemplate & rejuvenate.

はじめまして (Welcome)

My name is Yoshi, lead artisan at Terra-ya (‘terrarium shop’ in Japanese). We live, work & create on the beautiful traditional lands of the Darkinjung people, the Central Coast of NSW.

Our terrariums are landscaped, self-watering glass gardens that incorporate Japanese Zen aesthetics. Caring for and looking at them will give you and your loved ones peace and mindfulness.

We sell at markets, florists & independent stockists from Newcastle, the Central Coast, to Sydney’s North Shore.

We also offer a range of workshops. Creating terrariums with friends, family & colleagues is a beautiful way to bond, have calm, and experience nature therapy.

Please say hi via Insta or email for info, orders or questions.

よし Yoshi

View my artisan portfolio, or follow us on Insta for tips, advice and updates.